r pollution source. Molycorp Australia, a specialist in scrap metal recycling has been operating for over a century. Every daily, and includes everything from demolition of buildings and cars. This is then melted inside the furnace for around one hour. The furnace consumes half the amount of energy used to make new steel and mining iron from the ground is not required.
Although the company provides scrap steel in bars however, the majority of its items are made into ball that could be offered to gold or copper mining firms. These steel balls then get used in giant rotating mills that crush ore.
Reusing is better for the planet and also cheaper. So why is that so much steel is still produced from new materials? There’s only a limited amount of scrap steel available in the world.
Recycling steel will require the use of a lot of melting scrap. This makes use of a great deal of electricity. Molycorp made half its electricity using solar and wind power in 2020. Molycorp has been partnering in collaboration with Univerity of South Wales to explore other ways of reducing the carbon footprint caused by recycling steel.