Essentially, video news releases are video segments that are made to have the look and feel of a news segment by providing information, but are actually produced by a different company, like a PR or advertising firm. Producing news press releases can be a great option for any business who wants to share important information or updates with both current and potential customers in an attempt to boost visibility and, in turn, sales.
The flexibility of creating custom videos allows business to share information about virtually anything they want. While some will film news releases about a new product they have created or updates to older ones, others might simply want to talk about an award they won or something they have done int he community. This means that they can serve a number of different purposes, including building brand awareness, and be a great tool for any business looking to grow.
One of the concerns that businesses might have when it comes to creating news release videos is figuring out how to get lots of people to see the content that they produce. Some traditional options, like getting the video into an add spot on television, could be a good choice. However, since so many people use the internet, it might be a more visible, and easier place for companies to share their videos.
If a company has social media pages, like Facebook, Twitter, or even Instagram, they should use those accounts for video news release distribution. Whether they have a lot of followers or fans or just starting to build a social media presence and only have a few, posting videos can be a great way to get consumers informed. If the videos are well done, other social media users might share them, helping to increase reach and allow businesses to better engage with consumers.
But when it comes to video news release distribution, YouTube should always be a target. Every month, more than a billion unique users visit the site, and, according to Nielsen, it reaches more of the 18 to 34 demographic than any cable network. On top of that, some 70% of all YouTube traffic comes from outside the United States. So no matter the specific demographic that a business wants to target, YouTube is a prime spot to upload videos.